| 1. | My mustache stabbed and stung into my lips . 我的胡须竖起来直刺双唇。 |
| 2. | He lifted up a corner of the great mustache . 他掀起大胡子的一角。 |
| 3. | He had a mustache and a pointed beard . 他嘴唇上有一排胡子,下颔蓄着一撮山羊须。 |
| 4. | The mustache spread in slote's old frigid grin . 斯鲁特那两撇胡子伸展开,露出了从前那种淡淡的笑容。 |
| 5. | He is cultivating a blond mustache which will not take . 他嘴巴上留起了不招人喜欢的淡黄色的小胡子。 |
| 6. | The drooping mustache lifts in a nasty sad smile . 只见他那撇朝下的胡髭往上一耸,露出了一副难看的苦笑。 |
| 7. | His full mustache curled upward in a jaunty, arrogant way . 他的全部小胡子往上翘着,显出一副扬扬得意的傲慢态度。 |
| 8. | Milo's mustache was unfortunate because the separated halves never matched . 迈洛的八字胡生得就是倒霉相,左右两撇一点儿也不对称。 |
| 9. | A little man with gray mustache cut off her hair with shears and dropped it on the ground . 一个长着灰胡子的小个子男人用一把大剪刀把她的头发剪去,把断发扔在地上。 |
| 10. | Until the bloated colonel with the big fat mustache whirled upon him savagely with a purpling face, he offered the explanation that made him immortal . 直到后来,那个蓄着两大撒粗口髦的趾高气扬的上校猛然回过头来,涨红了脸,凶神恶煞般对他看着,这时他作了使他流芳百世的说明。 |