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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

north-northwest n.北西北〔正北偏西22°30′〕。adv.,adj.1...
north-polar adj.北极的。
northamptonshire n.北安普敦郡〔英国〕。
northants Northants =Northampton(shire...
northbound adj.向北方的,北行的。
northcliffe n.诺斯克利夫〔姓氏〕。
northeast n.东北;东北地方;〔诗〕东北风。adj.东北的,在东北...
northeaster n.1.(猛烈的)东北风。2.雨帽。
norther n.〔美国〕(冬季吹向墨西哥湾的)寒冷的北风;南下寒潮;...
northern adj.(superl. northernmost) 北...
northern cross 【天文学】北十字(天鹅座)。
northern crown 【天文学】北冕(星)座 (=Corona Boreali...
northern hemisphere 北半球。
northern ireland 北爱尔兰。
northerner n.北方人;〔N-〕〔美国〕美国北方人。
northernmost adj.最北端的,极北的。
northing n.【航海】北进,北驶,北航;【天文学】(天体的)北偏,...
northland n.〔诗〕北方,北方地方;〔N-〕(地球的)北部;〔N-...
northman n.古代斯堪的纳维亚人,北欧人;加拿大北方人;北欧海盗。
northumb Northumb =Northumberland 诺森伯...
northumbrian adj.,n.(英国)诺森伯兰 (Northumbria...
northward adj.向北的;来自北方的。adv.向北,向北方;来自北...
northwardly adv.,adj.向北方(的)。
northwards adv.=northward (ad.).
northwest n.西北;西北部;西北地方;〔the N-〕美国西北部;...
northwest mounted police 加拿大西北部骑警队。
northwest passage 西北航道〔从大西洋经欧亚两洲北部诸海到达太平洋的航道〕。
northwest territories 西北地区〔加拿大北部一地区,首府为渥太华〕。
norton n.诺顿〔姓氏,男子名〕。
norward adv.,adj.,n.=northward(s).
norwards adv.,adj.,n.=northward(s).
norway n.挪威〔欧洲〕。 N- maple 【植物;植物学】挪...
norway pine (=red pine) 挪威松。
norway rat 【动物;动物学】褐家鼠 (Rattus norvegic...
norway spruce 【植物;植物学】挪威云杉 (Picea abies)。
norwegian adj.挪威(人、语)的。n.挪威人[语]。
norwegian elkhound 【动物;动物学】挪威猎麋犬〔挪威产中等高矮、粗短身材的猎...
nos nos, nos.=numbers.
nose n.1.鼻;(动物)鼻口部;吻;嗅觉。2.香气;气味 (...
nose ape 【动物;动物学】长鼻猿。
nose candy 〔美俚〕嗅用麻醉品。
nose cone (火箭的)头部,前锥体。
nose drops 鼻药水。
nose gas 喷嚏性毒气。
nose gay (芳香的)花束。
nose monkey n.=noseape.
nose ornament 鼻饰,鼻环。
nose paint 〔美俚〕酒。
nose rag 〔俚语〕手帕。
nose ring (牛、猪等的)鼻环,鼻圈。
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