It was to no purpose for or us after we were in the boat to think of reaching to own ship , so all agreed to let her drive and only to pull her in towards shore as much as we could , and our master promised them , that if the boat was stav d upon shore he would make it good to their master , so partly rowing and partly driving our boat went away to the norward sloaping wards the shore almost as far as winterton ness 我们就慢慢把小艇拖近船尾,全体船员才得以下了小艇。此时此刻,我们已无法再回到他们的船上去了,大家一致同意任凭小艇随波飘流,并努力向岸边划去。我们的船长许诺,万一小艇在岸边触礁,他将给他们船长照价赔偿。