I ' m an examined naturopathic doctor and was running a successful clinic for 25 years 我出生德国,但已在瑞士生活20年,是一名执业理疗医师,曾成功创办一家25年的私人诊所。
In addition , the guests expressed a desire to pursue a vegetarian diet as one brother , a naturopathic physician , provided clear recommendations on healthy , meat - free living 关于素食方面,一位自然疗法的医生师兄提供了许多明确的建议,教导大家如何吃素以达到养生保健的功效,来宾们听了都跃跃欲试。
Ancient medicine is also called alternative medicine , which includes chiropractic , naturopathic , homeopathic , and chinese therapies such as acupuncture , massage , and traditional chinese medicine ( tcm ) 古老的疗法也称为另类疗法,包括按摩脊柱疗法,物理疗法,顺势疗法和中医疗法,如针灸,推拿和传统中药( tcm ) 。