| 1. | It was an obstacle that no one could avoid for ever . 谁也不能永远逃避这一关。 |
| 2. | There are many formidable obstacles to overcome . 存在着许多需要加以克服的重大障碍。 |
| 3. | He put every obstacle in my way . 他处处从中作梗。 |
| 4. | What exactly is the obstacle ? 到底障碍在哪里? |
| 5. | What may be a stimulus at one time may become an obstacle later . 在某个时期起推动作用的而后也可能变成障碍。 |
| 6. | Our alliances will be sundered if they appear as obstacles to peace . 我们的同盟如果成为和平的障碍,就会瓦解。 |
| 7. | It let mankind to overcome the obstacles which delayed civilization . 这促使人类克服了阻滞文明发展的种种障碍。 |
| 8. | They constituted a near-insuperable obstacle to the besieging infantry . 它们就会形成围城步兵几乎不可逾越的障碍。 |
| 9. | Every form of deception and every obstacle baffled the allied commission . 用尽一切欺瞒和阻挠的手段来避开协约国委员会的耳目。 |
| 10. | When she manifested an intention to quit them, therefore, they offered no obstacle . 在她要离开他们的时候,他们并没有加以反对。 |