| 1. | Collect this periodically during peak and off - peak hours 在高峰和非高峰期定期收集这些信息。 |
| 2. | Electric cars charge up overnight , using off - peak electric power 电动车在夜间充电,用离峰电力。 |
| 3. | No service in weekdays off - peak hours 平日非繁忙时间停止服务 |
| 4. | You might want to schedule data backups to occur during off - peak hours 您可能需要计划在非高峰期进行数据备份。 |
| 5. | You could trigger multiple updates using xmlaccess during off - peak hours 您可以在非高峰期使用xmlaccess触发多个更新。 |
| 6. | Views on restraining goods vehicle movements to off - peak hours varied ,被谘询者对限制货车在非繁忙时间行驶有不同意见。 |
| 7. | Producing ice during off - peak period of energy demand , which is then stored in tanks 会在非用电高峰期运作,把冰贮存起来。 |
| 8. | Off - peak commuting 非高峰时间通勤 |
| 9. | Off - peak working 非高峰时间工作 |
| 10. | Electric floorwarming systems for use with off - peak and similar supplies of electricity 与非高峰用电和类似电源一起使用的电热地板系统 |