Chinese translation for "oldness"
- 旧有
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | But now we have been discharged from the law , having died to that in which we were held , so that we serve in newness of spirit and not in oldness of letter 6但我们既然在捆我们的律法上死了,现今就脱离了律法,叫我们在灵的新样里服事,不在字句的旧样里。 | | 2. | Rom . 7 : 6 but now we have been discharged from the law , having died to that in which we were held , so that we serve in newness of spirit and not in oldness of letter 罗七6但我们既然在捆我们的律法上死了,现今就脱离了律法,叫我们在灵的新样里服事,不在字句的旧样里。 | | 3. | But now we are delivered from the law , that being dead wherein we were held ; that we should serve in newness of spirit , and not in the oldness of the letter 但现在,我们既然向那捆绑我们的律法死了,就脱离了律法的约束,好让我们用心灵的新样子,而不用仪文的旧方式来服事主。 | | 4. | But now we are delivered from the law , that being dead wherein we were held ; that we should serve in newness of spirit , and not in the oldness of the letter 6但我们既然在捆我们的律法上死了,现今就脱离了律法,叫我们服事主,要按着心灵(心灵或作圣灵)的新样,不按着仪文的旧样。 | | 5. | [ kjv ] but now we are delivered from the law , that being dead wherein we were held ; that we should serve in newness of spirit , and not in the oldness of the letter 但现在,我们既然向那捆绑我们的律法死了,就脱离了律法的约束,好让我们用心灵的新样子,而不用仪文的旧方式来服事主。 | | 6. | Students like sports but don " t like having physical education . the main problem of physical education teaching is the variety , difficulty , profoundness and oldness . the contents tend to be competitive but students " interests , demands and acceptance are rarely considered 学生喜欢体育但不喜欢上体育课,通过调查表明现行体育课程中存在的主要问题是“教材内容繁、多、深、旧、难” , “教材内容过多趋向于竞技化,很少考虑学生的兴趣、需求和可接受性” 。 |
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