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Chinese translation for "omnibearing"


Related Translations:
omnibearing selector:  多方位选择器全方位选择器全向选择器全向选择器
omnibearing line:  多方位线径向线
omnibearing indicator:  多方位指示器全方位指示器全方位指示器全向方位指示器
omnibearing distance:  全方位距离有测距设
omnibearing inicator:  方位角指示器
omnibearing beacon:  全方位信标
omnibearing converter:  多向方位转换器
omnibearing distance system:  全方位测距系统全方位距离系统全方位距离系统
omnibearing distance navigation:  全向测距导航
omnibearing distance facility:  全方位测距设备全向测距导航设备
Example Sentences:
1.How the hospital library to provide the omnibearing medical information service
2.The software protection concept of " strategical protection " and " omnibearing protection
3.But have also introduced the concepts of " strategical protection " and " omnibearing protection " that we always emphasize
4.Assembly , adjusting , inserting , wave soldering , ultrasound cleaning , coating , aging and omnibearing conveying . 1 . different speed chain type assembly line
5.Assembly , adjusting , inserting , wave soldering , ultrasound cleaning , coating , aging and omnibearing conveying . 1 . different speed chain type assembly line
6.Besides physical training , artistic knowledge session and creativity session also help foster omnibearing dancers of the next generation
7.We can use our powerful media resource and go throrhg proper channels to program with omnibearing which aim at professional magazine and leading website
8.Accepted omnibearing university grounding education , suffered favourable professional training , to have solid rationale and practice experience , to have better research and analysis ability
9.It is of new content and higher demand for the service to readers under network environment . the service should he reader - centered and should offer omnibearing service with individuation and humanization
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