At my wedding , we had oodles of petals . it was fabulous 我的婚礼上就有许多许多花瓣实在太美了
- won ' t that be fun ? - oodles -一定很有趣,对吧? -或许吧
Won ' t that be fun ? - oodles 一定很有趣,对吧? -或许吧
Hollywood star harrison ford might be getting on in years , buthestill has oodles of appeal 好莱坞明星哈里森福特也许有些老了,但是他的魅力仍不减当年。
Hollywood star harrison ford might be getting on in years , but he still has oodles of appeal 好莱坞明星哈里森福特也许有些老了,但是他的魅力仍不减当年。
Hollywood star harrison ford might be getting on in years , but he still has oodles of appeal 好莱坞明星哈里森?福特也许有些老了,但是他的魅力仍不减当年。
Ll : you know , li hua , those are magazines i have had since i was a kid . i would love to look through them , but we don ' t have oodles of time 你小时候的杂志一直保留到现在,难怪这么多。对了,你为什么说我们没有很多时间来收拾?我们今天还有别的事吗?
There are many kind of fast food i wuhan , uch a chinese doughnuts , teamed meat u , hot - and - dry oodles , teamed dumplings , wonton , oybea juice , ring rolls , and fried dough ticks 武汉有很多种快餐食品,比如说面窝、小笼蒸包、热干面、蒸饺、水饺、豆浆、春卷、油条。
In houston , texas , it was seen as the area ' s number - one employer , paying its staff oodles of money and providing them with top - notch benefits "我到纽约来的时候总是住在这个旅馆里。这儿的一切都是最高级的,这儿的房间,餐馆,他们的服务都非常好;而且这个旅馆离我要去的大多数地方都很近。
This simple two - step chemical enucleation procedure yields fully enucleated mouse oocytes in 85 . 6 % of cumulus - oocytes complexes and 56 % of natural oocytes , significantly different ( p < 0 . 05 ) . since the enucleation rate of cumulus - oodles complexes is equivalent to that by micromanipulation , induced enucleation will greatly improve the whole efficiency in mouse somatic nulear transfer 该方法完全丢弃了传统核移植的显微操作及其繁琐程序,是纯粹的手工克隆( hmc ) ,它的成功将会大大简化核移植程序,提高核移植效率,加快其产业化的步伐。