Given at this our loyal city of dublin in the year i of the paradisiacal era 乐园历元年于我们忠实的王都都柏林举行。
In this last phase , ahriman will be destroyed , and the world will be wonderfully renewed and be inhabited by the good , who will live in paradisiacal joy 在最后的段落里面,恶神(邪灵)会被毁灭,世界会变得惊人地更新,被好人居住,会充满天堂般的欢乐。
The merest sliver of it upon the tongue of the supplicant will make him or her forget all the horrors they are enduring , and deliver them to a place of paradisiacal calm 只要放小小一条阿冈尼司帝斯的肉在请愿者的舌尖上就能使他(她)忘却所承受的一切痛苦,变得仿佛进入天堂一般安详。
July 26 - 28 , 2002 will remain unforgettable days for many little fellow practitioners in formosa . during this period , a group of future buddhas arrived at cheng ching lake in kaohsiung in southern formosa to attend the paradisiacal kingdom summer camp held especially for them during their school vacation . besides having a happy time eating and playing , the children made many friends who will be good companions on the road of spiritual practice 对于福尔摩沙地区的许多小同修而言,今年7月26日至28日,将成为他们毕生难以忘怀的日子,因为在这三天里,这群当来佛来到高雄澄清湖畔参加了暑假期间特别为他们举办的pk paradisal kingdom旋风夏令营,每位参加的小同修不但吃得开心玩得尽兴,更结交了不少修行路上的好伴,同时也深深体会到工作人员的爱心付出。