Pari lc plus and mistyneb nebulizers were tested 药物颗粒用级联冲击器测得。
The two schemes are carried on pari - passu 两个计划是同时进行的。
Under the collective pari passu principle in bankruptcy law , the creditor cannot claim for what the debtor cannot pay off 依照破产法的公平受偿程序受偿后,债权人未受清偿的部分,已经不能向债务人请求。
The second part ' s work is forecasting the developmeni of the electric power markct . the third pari ' s work is plltting forward the stfategy goals with fuzzy reasoning 本文中电力市场分析主要是对电力市场进行预测,预测的方法包括趋势外推法、回归分析法和模糊神经网络法。
Once a draw for pari - mutuel betting among the large population of horse racing fans employed by the steel industry , mountaineer racetrack faced the nationwide decline in racing popularity in the decade of the 80 ' s 大概的意思是:曾经一度把在钢铁业中许多赌马迷吸引过去的赛车,在80年代中的十年里面临的是全国范围内的下滑。
Qinyuanchen and wenlingzhong chinese restaurant provide the guangdong and fujian cantoneses by the cook honored " the famous cook of asia " . pari western restaurant , yuanfeng thailand restaurant contents the chinese and western catering culture , of the international styles 经典时尚的国会,配置保球英式台球室内恒温泳池健身房网球场桑拿中心ktv ,细品人生的闲适与愉悦,是休闲娱乐的最佳选择。
In the software pari , the paper i11usttates the cornmwhcation protocol between the upper layer software and the experimenta1 facility , the design strategy of emulation program and dataflow display module - - - the kerne1 pwt of upper layer software 在软件设计中,本文论述了上位机软件和实验仪、上位机软件和仿真机之间的通信协议以及仿真机软件的设计思想和上位机软件的核心部分- -图形解释运行系统的设计思想。