All three muscles - pecs , front delts , and triceps - act to lift the bar 以上这三个肌群参与卧推的运动。
Yao looks strong in that picture , look at those pecs and biceps 照片里的姚看上去很强壮,看看那些胸肌和二头肌
Oh , wow . look at those pecs 哇,这一身的肌肉
The position places the pecs on a greater stretch than a shoulder - width grip does , and the greater stretch causes more muscle fibers to be recruited during each rep 如此让胸肌群伸展的范围比正常握距时大,也会让更多的肌肉纤维在每次运动之间得到更多回复的机会。
" the position places the pecs on a greater stretch than a shoulder - width grip does , and the greater stretch causes more muscle fibers to be recruited during each rep . 这一段的大意是,宽握的方式可以让胸大肌获得较大的伸展,较大的伸展使得我们可以徵召更多的肌纤维来参与动作。