| 1. | Cytochemical studies on oogenesis of penaeus vannamei 南美白对虾卵子发生的细胞化学研究 |
| 2. | Cultivation of penaeus chinensis osbeck - parent shrimp 中国对虾养殖亲虾 |
| 3. | Test on the tagged release of penaeus orientalis off zhejiang 浙江沿海中国对虾标志放流试验 |
| 4. | Cultivation of penaeus chinensis osbeck - seedling 中国对虾养殖苗种 |
| 5. | Studies on high yield aquaculture techniques for penaeus vannamei 南美白对虾模式化高产养殖技术研究 |
| 6. | Nutritional requirement of penaeus vannamei in different salinities 南美白对虾在不同盐度中的营养需要 |
| 7. | Microstructure and ultrastructure of antennary gland of penaeus monodon 斑节对虾触角腺的显微和超微结构 |
| 8. | Rearing technique of whiteleg shrimp penaeus vannamei in pools above sea level 南美白对虾高位池饲养技术 |
| 9. | New trend and contemplation on diseases epidemic of penaeus vannamei 南美白对虾病害流行的新动向及其思考 |
| 10. | Studis the reason for the death of penaeus japonicus bate in xinglin shrimp pond 杏林虾池日本对虾死亡原因的探讨 |