He says you play so well . - then he has perjured himself 但他说你弹得非常好-那是他的自欺
- he says you play so well . - then he has perjured himself -但他说你弹得非常好-那是他的自欺
The witness perjured himself by lying about what he saw on the sight of the murder 证人谎称他目睹了那晚上的谋杀,他作了伪证。
Several witnesses at the trial were clearly prepared to perjure themselves in order to protect the accused 在审判时几个证人显然已准备好为袒护被告而作伪证
I doubted not - never doubted - that if mr . reed had been alive he would have treated me kindly ; and now , as i sat looking at the white bed and overshadowed walls - occasionally also turning a fascinated eye towards the dimly gleaming mirror - i began to recall what i had heard of dead men , troubled in their graves by the violation of their last wishes , revisiting the earth to punish the perjured and avenge the oppressed ; and i thought mr . reed s spirit , harassed by the wrongs of his sister s child , might quit its abode - whether in the church vault or in the unknown world of the departed - and rise before me in this chamber 此刻,我坐着,一面打量着白白的床和影影绰绰的墙,不时还用经不住诱惑的目光,瞟一眼泛着微光的镜子,不由得忆起了关于死人的种种传闻。据说由于人们违背了他们临终的嘱托,他们在坟墓里非常不安,于是便重访人间,严惩发假誓的人,并为受压者报仇。我思忖,里德先生的幽灵为外甥女的冤屈所动,会走出居所,不管那是教堂的墓穴,还是死者无人知晓的世界,来到这间房子,站在我面前。