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Chinese translation for "peroration"

[ perə'reiʃ(ə)n ] 
Example Sentences:
1.We had to listen to a peroration on the evils of drink
2.In all likelihood , my father had kept this peroration as a threat intended to undermine my last defences
3.In the peroration , according to the balanced house price empirical formula the author puts forward some
4.Finally , this chapter ends by the form of peroration to ponder macroscopically over the problems concerned with judicial reform , which lays theoretical basis for further research
5.In the part of peroration , the writer simple reviews the content of this article , makes several conclusions of the major ideas of the article , and make a supplementary description of strategy evaluation
6.The content is divided into five parts , separately named as " exordium , important issues about growing companies , strategy making for growing companies , strategy implementation for growing , and peroration "
7.Into the line of the reg lar diggin , and make amends for what he would have un - dug - if it wos so - by diggin of em in with a will , and with conwictions respectin the futur keepin of em safe . that , mr . lorry , said mr . cruncher , wiping his forehead with his arm , as an announcement that he had arrived at the peroration of his discourse , is wot i would respectfully offer to you , sir
别毁了那孩子的爸爸,千万别,先生,就让他爸爸去当个正经的挖坟匠,诚心诚意挖坟,往里面埋人,算作是对当初挖坟往外面抬人这事儿就算抬过吧认个错,相信他永远会埋得严严实实的, ”克朗彻先生说,一面用手臂擦着脑门上的汗,表示他的发言已近尾声。
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