We had an agreement ! you vowed to persephone 我们有协议的!你向神发过誓的!
Persephone is the soul of man , whose true home is in the heavens 珀尔塞福涅就是人类的灵魂,她真正的家是在天堂。
In the greek mysteries , persephone , was abducted by pluto , lord of hades 在希腊神秘主义中,珀尔塞福涅(希腊神话中的宙斯之女)被冥神绑架。
But it was the breath of persephone , this time ; she was out of hell on a cold morning . cold breaths of wind came , and overhead there was an anger of entangled wind caught among the twigs 但是这一天,那却是珀耳塞福涅的呼吸她在一个寒冷的早晨,从地狱中走了出来,一阵阵的风呵着冷气,在头顶上,那纠缠在树枝间的乱风在愤怒着。
Other commentators , inspired by james frazer ' s theories , have additionally labeled mithras a mystery religion with a life - death - rebirth deity , comparable to isis , the resurrected jesus or the persephone / demeter cult of the eleusinian mysteries 其他评论,受启发于詹姆士的理论,加之又把密特拉教套上神秘宗教的标签,是生命?死亡?再生的神性,可与伊希斯,耶稣的复活或者古代希腊神秘的帕尔修斯/得墨忒耳的祭礼相比较。
Proclus , the commentator of " timaeus " mentions that marcellus , relying on ancient historians , stated in his aethiopiaka that in the outer ocean ( which meant all oceans , not just the atlantic ) there were seven small islands dedicated to persephone , and three large ones ; one of these , comprising 1 , 000 stadia in length , was dedicated to poseidon “提玛亚斯”的评论员保格斯根据古代历史学家,提及到马尔凯卢斯,在他的《阿尔赛俄比亚》中声称是在外面的海洋(意思是所有的海洋,不仅是大西洋)有七个献身于珀尔塞福涅的小岛,还有三个较大的,其中一个的长度是由1000视距组成,是献身于海神波塞冬。