[ 'paibɔ:ld ] adj. 1.(马)黑白斑的,有斑纹的。 2.驳杂的。 n. 1.有斑纹的动物(尤指花斑马)。 2.〔比喻〕杂色。
Example Sentences:
Piebald for bachelors 单身汉用花斑马。
The horses he passed started nervously under their slack harness . he slapped a piebald haunch quivering near him and cried 他拍了拍挨着他的那匹花斑马的颤抖的腰腿,喊了声:
Prince andrey rode up to the house . several lime - trees in the old garden had been cut down ; a piebald mare and a colt were among the rose - trees just before the house 安德烈公爵骑马走到住宅前,老花园里的几棵菩提树已被砍伐,一匹花马带着马驹在住宅前边的蔷薇花丛中来回走动。
The both , it seems , had been overtaken by the rain and for all their mending their pace had taken water , as might be observed by mr mulligan s smallclothes of a hodden grey which was now somewhat piebald 二人似均受雨淋。虽已加快步伐,通身仍均湿透,见于彼所着灰色手织灰呢短裤上之斑纹。