| 1. | These are the findings of a survey by a pollsters company 这些都是一家民意测验公司所得出的调查结果。 |
| 2. | The pollsters conducted the survey in december , questioning about one thousand south koreans 这次民调于去年12月进行,询问了大约1000名韩国人。 |
| 3. | Pollsters say that 40 percent of dog and cat owners carry pictures of the pets in their wallets 民意调查员说40 %的狗和猫的主人会在他们的钱包里放自己宠物的照片。 |
| 4. | Still , however intractable reality may be , pollsters are under pressure to send a clear message 不过,无论事实多么难以理解,也迫切需要民意测验专家们给出明确讯息。 |
| 5. | Pollsters tns global conducted the research for football world cup sponsor duracell . to get rid of ; discard 全球市场信息调研公司为世界杯赞助商金霸王集团做了此次调查。 |
| 6. | The footballer had already come first in a comparable survey by pollster ifop six months ago 早在半年前伊福普民调机构开展的一项对比调查中,这位足球名将就已是“独占鳌头” 。 |
| 7. | As pollsters know , if they are to hold the attention of busy people , they can ' t just say , “ it ' s all very complicated 民意测验专家都知道,如果他们想吸引忙碌大众的注意,不能仅仅说一句“这相当复杂”就了事。 |
| 8. | Pollster emnid found 49 percent of the 1 , 008 questioned said the " commotion " about the world cup was getting on their nerves 民意调查机构发现,在1008名调查对象中,有49的人说,由世界杯引起的“混乱”让他们感到不安。 |
| 9. | Another equally reputable pollster , f lix seijas , found that the president ' s approval rating remains steady at around 70 % 而另一位既公平又名望甚伟的民意测验专家菲利克斯?塞亚斯则发现,总统的支持率仍稳定地保持在70 %左右。 |
| 10. | When the pollsters totted up the figures for other characters , the results were enough to make most writers think about finding new jobs 调查人员同时也给出了其他一些文学形象的统计结果,它们足以促使大多数作家考虑另谋生路。 |