Matthew poncelet : why ? ' cause you ' re a nun 马修:为什么?因为你是个修女?
Matthew poncelet : it ' s quiet . only three days left . plenty of time to read my bible and look for a loophole 马修:现在很平静。只有三天时间了。足够我来读圣经和等待那个枪眼。
One of the new champions of synthetic methods , jean - victor poncelet , did concede limitation of the older pure geometry 综合方法的新提倡者之一, jean - victor poncelet是承认旧的纯粹几何学的局限性的。
Matthew poncelet : i just wanna say i think killin ' is wrong , no matter who does it , whether it ' s me or y ' all or your government 马修:我只是想说杀戮是错误的,无论是谁干的,是我、你们还是政府。