Hey , i just said ' get their pone , 嘿,我是叫你去拿他们的电话
I have some beans and corn pone , 我有些菜豆和玉米饼
" i laid out a hunk of it , " i says , " on a piece of a corn - pone . “我弄了一大块, ”我说, “搁在一块玉米饼上。 ”
It was " baker s bread " - what the quality eat ; none of your low - down corn - pone 这可是“面包房的面包”是供上等人吃的可不是你们下等人吃的那种玉米面包。
Cold corn - pone , cold corn - beef , butter and buttermilk - that is what they had for me down there , and there ain t nothing better that ever i ve come across yet 冷的玉米饼,冷的腌牛肉,黄油,和酪乳他们那里给我吃的就是这一些。我吃过的东西,从来没有比这一些更加好吃的了。
Mr . pone , father of a student at chu - ren elementary school , recently had a car accident . both his legs were amputated . he and his family of six had been living barely on basic necessities and could not afford to buy health insurance 竹仁国小一位学生家长彭先生,日前发生车祸,双脚俱断,一家六口原本生活就清贫,无力申办健康保险,如今更是雪上加霜,急需救助。
They built a fire against the side of a great log twenty or thirty steps within the sombre depths of the forest , and then cooked some bacon in the frying - pan for supper , and used up half of the corn " pone " stock they had brought 在距离树林深处二三十步远的地方,他们紧挨着一根倒伏于地的大树干生起火,架起平底煎锅烧熟了些咸肉当晚餐,还把带来的玉米面包吃掉了一半。
Chu - ren elementary school also allocated a " fund of love " for the family , granted a tuition waiver to mr . pone s children and provided nutritious lunches for them . in addition , every month master has allocated a certain amount of relief funds to be distributed to poor families in formosa 学校方面也由该校爱心基金拨款补助此家庭,并协助彭先生的子女在所就读的各学校减免学杂费及提供营养午餐之照顾,其关怀之爱心令人感佩。
The principal of chu - ren elementary school wrote to the supreme master ching hai international association seeking financial assistance for mr . pone s family . in response , the association contributed nt 90 , 000 to the family when its representatives paid a visit to them , accompanied by the principal and dean of the school 竹仁国小校长特致函清海无上师世界会,请求资助该户家庭,本会乃拨款新台币九万元,由同修代表与校长及训导主任一同前往慰问彭先生一家人。
Then we went to the nigger cabins , and while i got nat s notice off , tom shoved a piece of candlestick into the middle of a corn - pone that was in jim s pan , and we went along with nat to see how it would work , and it just worked noble ; when jim bit into it it most mashed all his teeth out ; and there warn t ever anything could a worked better 随后我们到了黑奴的小屋,由我把纳特的注意力引开,汤姆把一小截烛台塞在给杰姆送饭的锅里一块玉米饼中间。我们和纳特一块儿去小屋,看这办法灵不灵。果然这办法灵得很哩。