He and dick dilworth wanted to meet me down at the hotel pontchartrain , just a few blocks from henry ' s renaissance center 他和迪克?迪尔沃思两人约我去蓬查特兰饭店会面,那饭店离亨利的文艺复兴中心只有几个街区。
In addition , the university promotes educational outreach activities through the metropolitan college , which offers credit and non - credit courses at off - campus locations and at non - traditional times on campus to accommodate the many individuals living and working in the metropolitan area for whom the traditional academic programs or schedules are not appropriate 该校主校区位于风景秀丽的pontchartrain湖南岸,占地约350英亩,而在新奥尔良地区其它几处地方还拥有分校区。作为一所综合性大学,校园内设施完备,并仍处