| 1. | She has had three pregnancies in four years . 她在四年中怀孕三次。 |
| 2. | Earthworms have been used in testing pregnancy . 蚯蚓被用于妊娠反应试验。 |
| 3. | The results of her pregnancy test were negative . 她的妊娠试验结果呈阴性。 |
| 4. | Blood progesterone remains constant throughout pregnancy . 血液孕酮含量在全妊娠期保持不变。 |
| 5. | The fixation of the stapes may progress rapidly during pregnancy . 在怀孕期镫骨固定可能迅速发展。 |
| 6. | The corpus luteum of the previous pregnancy regresses very rapidly . 前次妊娠的黄体很快开始退化。 |
| 7. | The duration of pregnancy may be influenced by the endocrine functions of the fetus . 胎儿的内分泌机能亦可影响妊娠期。 |
| 8. | The immediate and important effects of feed intake in pregnancy are upon birth weight . 妊娠期饲料采食量直接而且极大地影响到仔猪初生重量。 |
| 9. | The energy economy of pregnancy is dominated by the biological adaptation of pregnancy anabolism . 妊娠的能量利用,受妊娠期合成代谢的生物学适应性所支配。 |
| 10. | Hypophysectomy before implantation terminates pregnancy and after the 44th day of gestation causes abortion in the goat . 山羊与附植前切除下立脑可使妊娠终止,而在妊娠44天后切除则造成流产。 |