n. 1.【解剖学】(阴茎的)包皮。 2.【虫类】阴(茎)端膜。 短语和例子 preputial adj.
Example Sentences:
Necrotic posthitis is characterized by evertive swelling, edema and necrosis in the prepuce of feedlot steers and bulls . 坏死性仓皮炎以育牛场的阉牛和公牛中所出现的仓皮外翻性肿胀,水肿和坏死为特征。
Jehovah , collector of prepuces , is no more “包皮的搜集者298耶和华已经不在了。
Frenulum of prepuce 包皮系带
Sterilized by epoxy ethane , it is sterile and can be used for the treatment of phimosis and prepuce of the child aged 4 to 12 产品经环氧乙烷灭菌,无菌,可供4 - 12岁的小儿治疗包皮、包茎用,一次性使用。
Stephen reached back and took the milkjug from the locker . - the islanders , mulligan said to haines casually , speak frequently of the collector of prepuces “这岛上的人们, ”穆利根漫不经心地对海恩斯说, “经常提起包皮的搜集者61 。 ”
To stephen : the problem of the sacerdotal integrity of jesus circumcised 1st january , holiday of obligation to hear mass and abstain from unnecessary servile work and the problem as to whether the divine prepuce , the carnal bridal ring of the holy roman catholic apostolic church , conserved in calcata , were deserving of simple hyperduly or of the fourth degree of latria accorded to the abscission of such divine excrescences as hair and toenails 斯蒂芬:受割礼的耶稣作为圣职者是否毫无缺陷的问题一月一日乃是圣日,应该望弥撒,不得从事不必要的世俗劳动186 。还有如何对待保存在卡尔卡塔的神圣罗马天主教使徒教会的肉体结婚戒指神圣的包皮问题。