| 1. | The progeny resembled one of the other of the parents . 后代象亲本的一方或另一方。 |
| 2. | A cat's kittens are her progeny . 小猫是老猫的后代。 |
| 3. | The vigour of two-parent progenies was likely to be similar . 双亲本子代的生活力多半是相似的。 |
| 4. | A major barrier to interspecific hybridization is sterility in the f1 progeny . 种间杂交的主要障碍是F1代的不育性。 |
| 5. | Moffet found chlorosis in the progeny of the crosses between two kinds of trees. Moffet在两种树杂交产生的后代中发现了萎黄病。 |
| 6. | The hybrids and progeny of intervarietal crosses of p. graminis were tested on the parental hosts . 杆锈变种间杂交的一些杂种和后代在其亲本寄主上受到测量。 |
| 7. | Infection of susceptible cells with a virus in many cases results in the multiplication of progeny virus . 多数情况下,易感细胞感染病毒后,可导致子代病毒的增殖。 |
| 8. | The occurrence of haploid endosperm in the gymnosperms provides a sound basis for further investigations into progenies . 裸子植物中单倍体胚乳的存在,为进一步对于后代的研究提供良好的基础。 |