Proprioception is a kind of neurological test 本体感受性试验是一种神经学检查。
The third sense is known as proprioception 第三中感觉指本体感觉。
Proprioception is dead reckoning , where the robot measures a signal originating within itself 本体感受是航位推测法,机器人可以测量来自本身的信号。
The so - called sixth sense , known as proprioception , is essential to many basic actions , including walking without having to look at your feet or touching your nose with your eyes closed 所谓的第六感就是人们熟知的本体感觉,对于许多基本动作是至关重要的,包括不捕看脚就能走路、眼睛闭着也能摸到鼻子等。