| 1. | Yes most staff have some form of prp 对大部分员工已实行某种形式的绩效薪酬制 |
| 2. | Yes most staff are eligible for some form of prp 某种形式的绩效薪酬制适用于大部分员工 |
| 3. | Their effects are in some extent better than prps one 它们的数值效果甚至比prp方法还好。 |
| 4. | Notes on the convergence theorems of the fr method and the prp method 方法收敛性定理的注记 |
| 5. | Cloning , prokaryotic expression of the mink prp precursor gene 水貂朊蛋白前体基因的原核表达 |
| 6. | Prp is now widely used , particularly for senior staff 绩效薪酬制现时已被广泛采用,尤其以高级职员为然 |
| 7. | The other molecules ( li , chl1 , po , tag , f3 , prp ) did n ' t show any binding ( )编码bas … n和preb1山n的基因在尸rop基因敲除小鼠中水平下调。 |
| 8. | Prp is now widely used , particularly for senior staff are performance awards consolidated into base pay 绩效薪酬制现时已被广泛采用,尤其以高级职员为然 |
| 9. | Take charge in of indicators as breakdown pm realization in prp process and ie indicator 对于产品实现过程中维护性保养的指标和工业工程指标的实现负有责任。 |
| 10. | Through prp , keys is passionate to produce , develop and contextualize teaching materials to suit local chinese culture 透过prp ,天匙宣教机构将致力于制作、发展及调整符合华族文化的教导材料。 |