Grand , magnificent and modest , the main hall of pudu temple claims its uniqueness in beijing through its distinctive architectural style of manchu 普度寺大殿宏伟、壮丽、古朴,专家说,带有如此鲜明满族风格的建筑在北京是极少见的。
More than 20 rivers , such as nanpan rivwe , baoxiang river etc . , flow to infuse into the shen pond , water is in the seaport , flowing into the tanglangchuan , pudu river and remit in the jinsha river 南盘江宝象河等20多条河流注入滇池,出水口在海口,流入螳螂川普渡河又汇入金沙江。
The lakes contain shen pool , the yangzonghai , the rivers contain panlong river , tanglangchuan , pudu river etc . shen pool which locates in the southwest of kunming is the biggest plateau lake of yunnan province , is the sixth big fresh water lake in whole country 湖泊有滇池阳宗海,河流有盘江螳螂川普渡河等。其中位于昆明城西南的滇池,是云南省最大的高原湖泊,属全国第六大淡水湖。