| 1. | Billy is punctilious in the performance of his duties . 毕利执行任务总是一丝不苟的。 |
| 2. | The heart of chaoli people punctilious responsibilities , the cintripetal force of chaoli people 超力高科人的“心”一丝不苟的责任心和上下同心的向心力 |
| 3. | Inquired the count ; " only let me warn you that i am proverbial for my punctilious exactitude in keeping my engagements . 伯爵问道, “只是我得先警告您,我是极其遵守时间的哪。 ” |
| 4. | A punctilious police official , feeling the presence of the body unseemly in the courtyard of his excellency , bade the dragoons drag the body away into the street 一名忠于职守的警官,发觉尸体摆在大人院内不像话,有碍观瞻,命令骑兵把它拖到街上去。 |
| 5. | Other world leaders see the pope with their advisers and the vatican ' s peerlessly punctilious protocol experts , making sure they do not commit the slightest gaffe 其他国家领导人见罗马教皇时都要带着顾问和梵蒂网最优秀的礼仪专家,以确保自己不出现一丁点的失礼行为。 |
| 6. | He was continually away on tours about the three provinces that were put under his command ; he was punctilious to pedantry in the performance of his duties , severe to cruelty with his subordinates , and entered into the minutest details of the work himself 他经常出巡由他负责管辖的三个省份,执行任务时极为认真,对待部属严厉到残忍的程度,而且事事都亲自办理,不疏忽最为微末的细节。 |
| 7. | The yeciel people insists on the guide line of honestytrust , , service , cooperation and development as well as punctilious spirit of work and the style of continually improving to serve each client 上海悦秀化工有限公司坚持以技术进步、质量管理、先进技术、一流产品、优质服务、用户满意为宗旨以优质产品回报社会、优质服务回报客户为导向,诚交天下朋友,把更新、更优的产品不断呈现给每一位客户。 |
| 8. | The beauty of philosophy is mainly manifested in vast state beauty using vast narrative structure as an expressing means , in deep mentally reasoning beauty with a deep probe into reflection as characteristics between existence and thinking , in abstract beauty of theoretical practice originated from practical life but not punctilious , and the surpassing human nature beauty based on the above three 哲学美主要表现在:以宏大的叙事结构为表达手段的博大的境界美,以穷根究底的对存在和思维的关系反思为特征的深沉的思辨美,以现实生活为源泉但又不拘泥于生活细节真实而达到理论真实的抽象美,以及在以上三者统一的基础上表现出来的超越的人性美。 |