Ore - control conditions and ore - prospecting direction of copper - gold deposit in qimen - shexian area of anhui 歙县铜金矿控矿条件及找矿方向
On the preservation amp; research into the tablet inscriptions about folk lore in qimen during the ming amp; qing dynasties 祁门县明清时期民间民俗碑刻的调查与研究
Qimen black tea comes qimen county in the yelloe mountain area . it has a beautiful form and a strong frageance like apple or even orchid . if you put the tea to the milk . it will make the milk taste fresh and tender with a special flavor 祁门红茶产自黄山地区祁门县,外形苗秀,内质香气浓郁,似苹果香,又蕴藏兰花香,加入牛奶饮用细腻鲜滑,风味独特。