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Chinese translation for "r-banding"


Related Translations:
foglia r:  福利亚河
r wasserball:  水球
shapina r:  沙皮纳河
gomisin r:  五味辛r,五味子素r,高米辛r五味子素r
ruby r:  鲁比河
r davis:  当双链发展的技术
darling r:  达令河
bih r:  比哈尔
r ingredients:  成份
tuberculin r:  结核菌素r
Example Sentences:
1.The g - and r - band patterns are found to be only about 38 % complementary
因此, za染色体和zb染色体是相同的染色体。
2.Bands positively stained after g - banding are commonly negatively stained after r - banding and vice versa
因此, g阳性带通常对应于r阴性带,反之亦然。
3.3 . r - banding the rhg banding ( r - banding ) technique used was the method of dutrillaux and lejeune ( 1971 ) slightly modified
R带型青岛文吕鱼染色体的核型及带型研究参照nutrillaux和lejeune ( 1971 )的r带显示方法,稍作修改。
4.The total number of r - bands found in the chromosomes is 100 , which is approximately 1 / 4 to 1 / 5 of that of the vertebrate metaphase chromosome r - bands . they consist of 57 positive , 33 negative and 10 variable bands
在100条r带中阳性带有57个,阴性带有33个,可变带有10个,约有722 %的染色体区域显示r带阳性结果。
5.The complementarity of g - and r - band patterns was evaluated by comparing the features of each positive and negative chromosomal g - and r - band . it was found that the complementarity is only illustrated to some extent by the parts of some chromosomes
精确计算和比较每条染色体的g 、 r阳性和阴性带纹特征,发现有些染色体呈一定的互补性,但这种互补性在文昌鱼染色体上较低,大约只有38 %的部位存在互补现象。
6.As the number of r - bands is associated with that of genes , and most genes that have been mapped to mammalian chromosomes with sufficient precision are usually distributed in r - bands rather than in g - bands . this is apparently in agreement with the hypothesis of two rounds of extensive gene duplication leading to the origin of the vertebrates
7.In addition , there exists 72 . 2 % of the chromosome surface positively stained with r - banding . 4 . complementarity of g - and r - banding pattern it is generally accepted that chromosome banding patterns appear closely related to differences in dna base composition , and r - bands correspond to gc - rich dna and g - bands to at - rich dna
4 . g 、 r带型的互补性一般认为,染色体的带纹与其碱基组成密切相关, r阳性带对应于gc含量丰富的区域, g阳性带则对应于at含量丰富的区域。
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