- i heard he ' s quite the raconteur . - and then some -听说他很健谈-不只呢
I heard he ' s quite the raconteur . - and then some 听说他很健谈-不只呢
He used his mental capacity to act as raconteur and juicy gossipmonger 于是他就扮演一个健谈风趣的大摆呼。
They may seat you between a hilarious raconteur and a moneybags who awards you a huge contract 坐在你两边的,可能是一位滔滔不绝的健谈者,和一位给你大单合同的富翁。
A gifted man , mr bloom said of mr dedalus senior , in more respects than one and a born raconteur if ever there was one “他是个有天分的人, ”关于老迪达勒斯先生,布卢姆先生这么说, ”不只在一个方面。
His grandfather was a fine raconteur , dredging up quite effortlessly , and with a great wealth of detail , scenes and incidents from his early life 他的祖父是位很好讲故事的人,不废吹灰之力,就把他年轻时事情、场景,极详细地描绘出来。
His grandfather was a fine raconteur , dredging up quite effortlessly , and with a great wealth of detail , scenes and incidents from his early life 他的祖父是位很好讲故事的人,不废吹灰之力,就把他年轻时事情、场景,极详细地描绘出来。