Colonel forster looked very becoming the other night at sir william's in his regimentals . 有天晚上在威廉爵士家里弗斯脱上校全副军装,看上去,真是一表人材。
This was exactly as it should be ; for the young man wanted only regimentals to make him completely charming 这真是再好也没有了,因为韦翰这位青年,只要穿上一身军装,便会十全十美。
They could talk of nothing but officers ; and mr . bingley s large fortune , the mention of which gave animation to their mother , was worthless in their eyes when opposed to the regimentals of an ensign 她们现在开口闭口都离不开那些军官。在这以前,只要提到彬格莱先生的偌大财产,她们的母亲就会眉飞色舞,如今跟军官们的制服对比起来,她们就觉得偌大的财产简直一钱不值了。
I remember the time when i liked a red coat myself very well - and indeed , so i do still at my heart ; and if a smart young colonel , with five or six thousand a year , should want one of my girls , i shall not say nay to him ; and i thought colonel forster looked very becoming the other night at sir william s in his regimentals . 我刻从前有个时期,我也很喜爱红制服当然,到现在我心里头还喜爱红制服呢要是有位漂亮的年轻上校,每年有五六千磅的收入,随便向我的哪一个女儿求婚,我决不会拒绝他的有天晚上在威廉爵士家里,看见弗斯脱上校全副军装,真是一表人材! ”