| 1. | The regulator was jerked from my mouth . 调节器陡然从我嘴里抽走。 |
| 2. | In this area are located automatic regulators . 在该区域内有各种自动调节功能。 |
| 3. | Schmalhausen conceives evolution as a cybernetic regulator . Schmalhausen把进化想象为控制论的调节器。 |
| 4. | Plug the flow regulator into the wall and attach the nebulizer . 将气流调节器插头接通墙上电源,并连接喷雾器。 |
| 5. | A precision pressure regulator maintains the carrier-gas pressure constant . 精密压力调节器可以维持载汽压力恒定。 |
| 6. | In washington, the regulators did make a push to ban the manufacturing of convertibles . 华盛顿的各个管制机构曾经推动禁止敝篷车的制造。 |
| 7. | Carrier-gas and instrument-air regulators are located on a panel within the upper compartment . 该分析单元的上部还安有载气调节器和仪表风调节器。 |
| 8. | Growth regulators have received considerable attention in studies on all crops and particularly on soybeans . 生长调节剂用于各种作物,特别是用于大豆上的研究,受到极大的注意。 |
| 9. | The very multiplicity of responses to exogenous chemical growth regulators points to the essential contrast with animal hormones . 对外源化学生长调节剂的十分多样化的反应表明了与动物激素的主要差别。 |
| 10. | Obviously the involvement of "allosteric effects" in the action of growth regulators is highly specific and equally speculative . 在生长调节剂的作用中涉及“变构效应,”这显然是高度特殊又是高度推测性的。 |