| 1. | With the degree in the competition increasing , the importance of patent work increases relevantly 在竞争越来越激烈的今天,专利工作在企业中的重要性也越来越强。 |
| 2. | Its author , si - ma qien pointed out that huaji - ists are witty and speak relevantly to solve conflicts ( bai - hua shi - ji 1985 : 1675 ) 其作者司马迁指出滑稽人物非常机智,并通过恰切的说话化解冲突。 |
| 3. | We must take culture environment art design as an whole system , researched space relevantly and synthesized design space completely 我们必须将文化环境艺术设计作为一个有机的系统,对有关空间进行综合设计和全面的研究。 |
| 4. | Two different measuring methods of compression ratio are compared and discussed for different applied limits , merits and defects of each are analyzed relevantly 本文还对两种不同测量压缩比的方法进行了比较研究,提出了两种方法的使用范围,对各自的优缺点进行了相应的分析。 |
| 5. | It is consisted of institution subsystem , organization subsystem and operating rule subsystem of performance measurement , and it also relevantly formed a complete set of measurement index system 它由企业绩效评价制度体系、组织体系和运行规则三个子体系构成,并相应形成了一整套评价指标体系。 |
| 6. | And the paper also suggests further that tax policy of our country should reform relevantly , exploration order should be changed from mandatory to guidance , this can constantly promote development of oil & gas enterprises in our country 并进一步建议我国的税收政策应作配套的改革,勘探部署以指令性为主逐步过渡到以指导性为主,以推动我国石油企业的不断改革和发展。 |
| 7. | Fiftieth 5 use property common place , common facilities facilities undertakes management , ought to be in after asking for what congress of owner , owner , property runs a company relevantly to agree , deal with concerned formalities according to the regulation 第五十五条利用物业共用部位、共用设施设备进行经营的,应当在征得相关业主、业主大会、物业治理企业的同意后,按照规定办理有关手续。 |
| 8. | The development of swimming pools can find its origin in the late 1990s . now it has been a popular public recreational center . however there are still wide gaps in its running management and design due to its relevantly late application in china 游泳池在我国的大规模发展始于上世纪九十年代的中后期,已成为一项集娱乐、休闲与健身为一体的群众性运动场所,至今的需求与建设可谓方兴未艾。 |
| 9. | To the nationalism question , my also rather concern of these two years , has read some to describe relevantly too , in fact , although i have national feelings , to nationalism , but held sizable attitude of keepings this , namely already been revealed in this page is clumsy and real in the article 对民族主义问题,我这两年亦颇为关切,也读过一些相关论述,实际上,我虽有民族情怀,但对民族主义,却持相当大的保留态度这一点,在此篇拙文中实即已有流露。 |