| 1. | Then , when he saw riddell at a hearing , snook said he started getting very suspicious 当他某一天在一次听证会上见到里德尔后,他对里德尔身份的怀疑开始加剧。 |
| 2. | The canada millennium scholarship foundation will provide $ 76 million over four years to support the program , riddell said 因此加拿大学术基金会四年来提供出七千六百万来资助这些学生,瑞戴尔讲到。 |
| 3. | Riddell was jailed tuesday and faces a charge of unauthorized practice of law . prosecutor stephen s . snook said he also hopes to file identity theft charges 检察官史蒂芬斯努克表示,希望还能给此人再加上一条盗用他人身份的罪名。 |
| 4. | " the letter was just not what you would expect an attorney to write , " snook said . he ended up getting more letters from riddell and almost daily phone calls 尽管里德尔的信符合律师信专有格式,但通篇却充斥着恐吓味道,且文字显得“滑稽可笑” 。 |
| 5. | Jeffrey p . riddell , 40 , of hershey , has never held a law license in pennsylvania , but claimed to be another attorney with the same first and last names , authorities said 现年40岁的杰弗里p里德尔从未在宾夕法尼亚州取得过律师执照,但他称自己是一名律师,而被假冒的那位律师与他同名同姓。 |
| 6. | Riddell was jailed tuesday and faces a charge of unauthorized practice of law . prosecutor stephen s . snook said he also hopes to file identity theft charges 不久前,里德尔已被送进监狱,并面临未经授权行使律师职能的指控。检察官史蒂芬?斯努克表示,希望还能给此人再加上一条盗用他人身份的罪名。 |
| 7. | Snook and police believe riddell assumed the identity of attorney jeffrey a . riddell after he had left the country and deactivated his law license with the state 斯努克与警方坚信,在那位名叫杰弗里? a ?里德尔的律师离开美国并注销了其在宾夕法尼亚州的律师执照后,骗子里德尔便开始盗用这为律师的身份。 |
| 8. | He ended up getting more letters from riddell and almost daily phone calls . then , when he saw riddell at a hearing , snook said he started getting very suspicious 斯努克后来又接到了多封来自里德尔的信件且双方几乎每天通一次电话。当他某一天在一次听证会上见到里德尔后,他对里德尔身份的怀疑开始加剧。 |
| 9. | Snook ' s suspicions started when he got a letter from riddell on behalf of a defendant in a drug case in march . written on the lawyer ' s stationary , the letter was threatening and " goofy , " he said 检察官斯努克对于里德尔真实身份的怀疑始于今年3月份,当时里德正为一桩毒品案件中的一名被告做代理律师,并且写了一封信给斯努克。 |
| 10. | Chris bentley , the minister of training , colleges and universities and norman riddell , executive director and ceo of the foundation , made the joint announcement today at victoria university in the university of toronto 近日,高等培训教育长官克里斯本特雷和基金会执行长官诺曼瑞戴尔在多伦多,维多利亚大学宣布一项新助学基金模式。 |