Young pilot cliff secord stumbles on a top secret rocket - pack and with the help of his mechanic / mentor , peevee , he attempts to save his girl and stop the nazis as the rocketeer 但有人窥探火箭号并挟持了珍妮,克里夫能顺利的救出珍妮,完整的将火箭号归还吗?
Straight from the pages of a pulp comic from a past era , the rocketeer recreates 1930 ? s hollywood , complete with gangsters , nazi spies , and the growth of the age of aviation 飞行员克里夫意外的乘上神秘未公开的火箭号,不会驾驶的他,在维修师的协助下顺利的起飞。
This is used to determine how high to draw the white box when the user selects the building , and how high a kirov airship , rocketeer , or another air unit will rise to clear the obstacle in their way ( the building ) 它用于决定当选中该建筑时,出现的白色虚线框的高度,还有基洛夫空艇、火箭飞行兵或其他任何飞行单位打算飞过该建筑时需要升高的高度。