[ sə'lju:briəs ] adj. (气候等)有益健康的。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
Example Sentences:
They live in a very salubrious area 他们住在一个非常有益健康的地区。
All right then ; limpid , salubrious : no gush of bilge water had turned it to fetid puddle “那时很好,无忧无虑,十分健康。没有滚滚污水把它变成臭水潭。
It contains salubrious oil - control essence , which penetrates into each hair in its whole length to balance the oil and moisture , improve oily hair , and make it smooth and natural 蕴含清爽控油精华,能渗入头发与发根,平衡油份和水份,改善油性发质,令头发清爽自然。
His features were pretty yet , and his eye and complexion brighter than i remembered them , though with merely temporary lustre borrowed from the salubrious air and genial sun 他的相貌挺好看,眼睛和气色也比我所记得的有精神些,虽然那仅仅是从有益健康的空气与和煦的阳光中借来的暂时的光辉。
With a cool and smooth taste and refreshment function , this product can bring you a salubrious and delicious feeling and fashionable and beautiful innovative package 该产品清凉爽口、口感细腻,具有提神醒脑之功效,还能给您带来清爽美味的感觉,时尚美观的创新包装,更加易于携带、方便食用。
Therefore , lao zi made a point that to abandon sacrament and wisdom , quit virtue and morality , refuse benifit and profit , or cut off scooling and study are a good way for people to turn back to be quiet salubrious ones 所以老子在这里主张绝圣弃智,绝仁弃义,绝巧弃利,绝学无忧就是为了使人们有一个清静无为的自已。