Q : how to strengthen and purify the sattva 该如何强化及净化悦性?
When sattva grows in man , divinity radiates through him 当人心中的纯净性增加,他便散发出神圣的气质。
Q : what is the use of sattva 悦性(怡然自得)有什么用?
What is the use of sattva 悦性(怡然自得)有什么用?
Subdue tamasic action , sublimate rajas into sattva by selfless service , transcend sattva by self - knowledge 遏止惰性的行为,提升动性的行为,使之成为纯净性,再用自性的知识来超越这分纯净性。
Sattva having great amount of energy and little matter , tamas having less energy and big matter , rajas being in between , are basic building blocks of our universe 萨缍拥有大量的能量和少量的物质,愚昧拥有较少能量和大量物质,激质介乎于两者之间,是我们宇宙的基础建筑。
Be aware of them in operation , watch their expressions in your thoughts , words and deeds , and gradually their grip on you will lessen and the clear light of sattva will emerge 觉察它们的运作,观看它们在你思想言行方面的表露,遂渐其于你的控制便减弱,而清明的悦性即如泉涌。
They manifest spontaneously and effortlessly , when things are left to themselves , are not interfered with , not shunned , or wanted , or conceptualised , but just experienced in full awareness , such awareness itself is sattva 它们怡然率性的表现,当无为而治、事情不受干扰、逃避、欲求或概念化,而只是全心全神地体验,这觉知本身就是悦性的体现。
In hindu tantra , practice is graded into three types , corresponding to three classes of devotees : the animal , i . e . , those in whom the guna , or quality , of tamas ( darkness ) predominates ; the heroic , those in whom the guna of rajas ( activity ) predominates ; and the divine , those in whom sattva ( goodness ) predominates ( see hindu philosophy ) 在印度教坦陀罗,练习被分成三种类型,与三种级别的皈依者相对应:动物,那些在黑暗之中,或者等同于黑暗支配的人;英雄,那些掌握主动支配的人;和神性,那些有良好支配的人(看看印度哲学) 。