In sausalito . i ' m even making house calls now 在梭塞里多.我现在甚至也做家庭护理
In the city of sausalito on sunday , according to authorities 此包价值2000美元,包内还有贵重物品。
He left it on a bench near a downtown parking lot , and the oversight was not noticed until the couple was back at their hotel , said sausalito police sergeant kurtis skoog 苏沙利多警局的警官科提斯斯库格说,她的丈夫将手提包落在了市区一个附近的长椅上。
Shahla ghannadian had entrusted her 2 , 000 - dollar louis vuitton handbag and its precious contents to her husband after they stopped at an ice cream parlor in the city of sausalito on sunday , according to authorities 店出来后,将她的路易斯维登交给丈夫看管。此包价值2000美元,包内还有贵重物品。
A spokesman for genetic savings & clone on thursday saidthesausalito , california - based company had closed and its tissuebankwas being sold to livestock cloning firm viagen inc . , basedinaustin , texas 这家名为“遗传储存与克隆”公司的发言人周四表示,总部位于加州sausalito镇的公司已经关张,而公司的动物组织捐赠银行将被出售给位于得克萨斯州奥斯汀的生物克隆公司维亚金。
A spokesman for genetic savings and clone on thursday said the sausalito , california - based company had closed and its tissue bank was being sold to livestock cloning firm viagen inc . , based in austin , texas 这家名为“遗传储存与克隆”公司的发言人周四表示,总部位于加州sausalito镇的公司已经关张,而公司的动物组织捐赠银行将被出售给位于得克萨斯州奥斯汀的生物克隆公司维亚金。
To get the wayward whales headed in the right direction , researchers with the sausalito - based marine mammal center planned to play recorded humpback sounds from a boat thursday as the tide goes out , then use more boats lining the channel to try to prevent the two from turning around 为了让两只迷路鲸鱼朝著正确方向,梭沙立托地区的海洋哺乳动物中心工作人员计画周四在退潮时,从船上播放录好的座头鲸声音,并且用许多小船限制通道,以免两只鲸鱼掉头。