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Chinese translation for "saving-type"


Related Translations:
feed saving:  饲料节约
saving milly:  拯救米莉
domestic saving:  国内储蓄
saving water:  节约用水
tax saving:  节税
save energy:  节约能源
costs saving:  成本节约
save character:  保存角色
saving ratio:  储蓄率节存率
save it:  你省省吧
Example Sentences:
1.Starting from two aspects of the direct saving approach and the indirect saving approach of industrial cluster , this paper analyzes on the relationship between industrial cluster and saving - type production mode
2.This paper analyzes on the present situation of the study on building the saving - type libraries in china , expounds the necessity and advantages of libraries ' participating in building the saving - type society and saving - type libraries , and probes into the concrete measures
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