Sonata in f major k , 17 d . scarlatti 斯卡拉蒂奏f大调奏鸣曲
Sonata in g major k , 13 d . scarlatti 斯卡拉蒂奏g大调鸣曲
The scarlatti sonata assigned should be played completely ( repeat included ) 规定曲目中的斯卡拉蒂奏鸣曲必须完整演奏(包括反复) ;
Final round : freely chosen pieces different from the 1st round within 20 minutes , including one d . scarlatti s sonata while others with different styles 决赛:自选20分钟以内不同于初赛的曲目,其中应有一首斯卡拉蒂奏鸣曲,其它曲目应具有不同的风格特点。
Final round : freely chosen pieces different from the 1st round within 20 minutes with different styles no limitation of amount , including one d . scarlatti s sonata 决赛:自选20分钟以内不同于初赛,不同风格的乐曲、数量不限。其中应有一首斯卡拉蒂奏鸣曲。
Final round : freely chosen pieces different from the 1st round within 30 minutes , including one d . scarlatti s sonata and one multi - movement piece sonata , variation or suite , etc other pieces can be 20th century contemporary works or nationalistic works 决赛:自选30分钟以内不同于初赛的乐曲,其中应有一首斯卡拉蒂奏鸣曲,还应有一首多乐章作品(如奏鸣曲、变奏曲、组曲等) 。