With no job possibilities on the horizon , the two dads open their own day care facility , " daddy day care " , and employ some fairly unconventional and sidesplitting methods of caring for children 就在找不到工作无所事事之际,查理开始接手照料自己的4岁儿子,令他萌生一个前所未有的念头:开设一间纯由男性经营的家庭式托儿所,与传统连锁式托儿所展开大斗法!
With creative and humorous games and tests , fervent singing and dancing , famous talk show emcee na wei running the show and hao yu , the campus singer s sidesplitting " undergraduate s self - study song " , the content and the format of the activity greatly catered for the individualized taste of the q generation nowadays and echoed the romantic festival atmosphere of the valentine s day 无论是新奇搞笑的游戏考验,如火如荼的强歌劲舞,再加上著名脱口秀主持人那威现场主持,校园歌手郝羽大学生自习曲爆笑助威,从内容还是形式上都最大的迎合了当今q一代的个性化品味,并且与情人节的浪漫节日气氛遥相呼应,相得益彰。