Simmel had developed a sociological perspective which exerted a great influence on subsequent german sociology especially that of max weber . 齐美尔所提出的社会学见解,对其后的德国社会学,尤其是马克斯韦伯的社会学影响甚巨。
The view of modernity experience from georg simmel 齐美尔论现代性体验
On simmel ' s female culture 西美尔的女性文化论
Simmel ' s thought of aesthetic culture reflected the tendency of the socialization of aesthetics 齐美尔的这种审美文化思想折射出“美学社会化”的趋向。
Simmel had developed a sociological perspective which exerted a great influence on subsequent german sociology especially that of max weber 齐美尔所提出的社会学见解,对其后的德国社会学,尤其是马克斯?韦伯的社会学影响甚巨。
As a philosopher end a sociologist , simmel paid great attention to aesthetics and arts , which was syncretized into his text of philosophy and sociology , presenting the aesthetics fragments of the poetic pattern and the social aesthetic and the dimension of art 摘要作为哲学家和作为社会学家的齐美尔,对美学和艺术十分关注,并把这种关注融合到他的哲学文本和社会学文本之中,从而呈现出诗化形态、社会审美和艺术之维的美学片断。
All in all , georg simmel revealed a widespread predicament of the modern society with the purely metaphysical mode of expressing which belongs to money , including mutually conflicting between money and individual ' s ideal existence , between life and form and between subjective culture and objective culture 西美尔通过对货币纯粹的形而上的思维,揭示了一种现代社会普遍的人类困境? ? “文化悲剧” :生命与形式,主观文化与客观文化相互冲突。在货币经济大潮中,货币的强大效用是不可抗拒的。