Activation of the heart normally begins in the sinoatrial node . 在正常情况下,心脏的活动始于窦房结。
The sinoatrial node is located at the junction of the superior vena cava and the right atrium . 窦房结位于上腔静脉与右心房的交界处。
Effect of exhaustive exercise on microstructure of sinoatrial node of rats 力竭运动对大鼠窦房结显微结构的影响
Contraindications documented hypersensitivity 。 adams - stokes syndrome and wolf - parkinson - white syndrome ; severe sinoatrial , av , or intraventricular block ( if artificial pacemaker is not used ) 禁忌症:由过敏史者。阿斯综合征,沃-帕-怀综合征,严重窦房结.房室结传导阻滞或室内阻滞患者禁用。
In order to investigate the relationship between myocardium responsiveness and its firing dynamic states , bilateral vagotomy , m receptor blocking , acetylcholine ( ach ) perfusion and continuously autonomic nerve ending stimulating methods were employed to change the rabbit sinoatrial node ( sa ) firing dynamics . isoprenaline , noradrenalin , ach , sympathetic or vagal nerve ending stimulation was used individually to measure the sa responsiveness in different dynamic state 3 、窦房结在正常放电状态时,对0卫, 0人0石ug kg异丙肾上腺素的反应性均强于应用阿托品后,前后相比有显著差异( p 0刀5 ) ;待阿托品作用部分消除后,窦房结对异丙肾上腺素的反应性也部分恢复。
Above influences are conformed by central nervous system and transmitted to sinoatrial node by sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves . in physiological conditions the parasympathetic nerve modulation to sinoatrial node play more important roles than sympathetic nerve and is the main source of the heart rate variability 在正常完整机体,心交感及心迷走均对窦房结施加紧张性影响,但在安静状态下心迷走紧张性影响居主导地位且是产生心率变异性(指逐次心搏rr间期不断波动的现象)的主要原因之一。
The main results as follows results from sinoatrial node in vivo 1 、 under bilateral vagi intact condition the value of hf ( high frequency power ) component , lf ( low frequency power ) component and apen value of ibis was the highest , but the lf / hf ratio was the lowest ; unilateral vagotomy decreased apen value of ibis , right vagotomy increased lf / hf ratio but left vagotomy did not 05 ) 。在离体窦房结还记录到自发轻度不规则放电,自发不规则放电使窦房结放电间期近似嫡从对照时的0二8土0 09 ( n 6 )升高到不规则放电时的0