| 1. | This poem is both majestic and sonorous . 这首诗读起来音调铿锵。 |
| 2. | Mr. kenge spoke in a sonorous voice . 肯吉先生用一种抑扬顿挫的声调谈论着。 |
| 3. | This poem reads sonorous . 这首诗读起来音调铿锵。 |
| 4. | It was possible that the sweetly sonorous hymns stimulated me . 这洪亮悦耳的圣歌是能够刺激我的。 |
| 5. | These much-quoted words can apply also to the sonorous prose of bartram . 这些时常被人引用的话也可以拿来形容巴特铿锵有声的散文。 |
| 6. | His voice is so sonorous and piercing that it penetrated the farthest alleys and retreats of the town . 他的声音如此尖锐宏亮,都传到了镇上最远的小巷和偏僻幽静的角落。 |
| 7. | It is impossible to judge from his sonorous homilies just where harding stood on any specific issue . 要从哈定声音洪亮而内容可厌的说教里判断他对任何具体问题的立场是不可能的。 |
| 8. | The sonorous tones of the auctioneer, calling out to clear the way, now announced that the sale was about to commence . 拍卖人用洪亮的声音招呼大家闪开一点然后宣布拍卖即将开始。 |
| 9. | It was a low dome of sonorous blue, with an undertone of sultry sulphur-color, because of the smoke that dimmed the air . 低低的深蓝色的穹苍,带着一点儿闷热的硫磺气味,因为空气被烟弄得昏暗了。 |