If i lived with you as you desire , i should then be your mistress : to say otherwise is sophistical - is false 要是按你的希望同你一起生活,我岂不成了你的情妇。别的说法都是诡辩一是欺骗。 ”
It teaches him to see things as they are , to go right to the point , to disentangle a skein of thought , to detect what is sophistical , and to discard what is irrelevant 大学教育应教会人们看清事物的真实面目并直接抓住要害,教会人们解开思想的缰结,发现其中的诡辩之处,舍弃其中的不相关之处。
To see things as they are , to go right to the right point , to disentangle a skein of thought , to detect what is sophistical , and to discard what is irrelevant is after all , what university training should be aiming at 认清事情的真相,准确地抓对要点,解开思维的束缚,洞悉诡辩的事实,最后舍弃那些无关紧要的部分,这就是大学训练所应该针对的目标。