| 1. | Save that it is spaceless and timeless . . 保全它空间的无垠、时间的无涯 |
| 2. | Save that it is spaceless and timeless . . 保全它空间的无垠、时间的无涯 |
| 3. | Save that it is spaceless and timeless 保全它空间的无垠时间的无涯 |
| 4. | They are there , in time and space , but i am timeless and spaceless 它们存在于时空,但我既不属于也不限于时空。 |
| 5. | And you will not take me off the air for now or any other spaceless time 你不能使我停播,现在不行在今后无涯的时间里也不行 |
| 6. | This essence is the root , the foundation , the timeless and spaceless ” possibility ” of all experience 这个本质是一切经验的超越时空的根本基础。 |
| 7. | But you seem to suggest that consciousness too is universal ? which makes it timeless , spaceless and impersonal 但你看来暗示意识也遍处方致使它非时间空间及个人可及。 |
| 8. | I can somehow understand that there is no contradiction between the timeless and spaceless and the here and now , but impersonal consciousness i cannot fathom 我大概可以理解无时无地与此时此地之间并无冲突,但对于意识非属于个人则摸不着头脑。 |
| 9. | The time of meditation is a completely different time , different space . so , the more you enter into this timeless , spaceless space master laughs the better it is for you 打坐时是完全不同的时空,所以你们越进入这个没有时间没有空间的空间师父笑,对你们就越好。 |