Anchor wires should have a spelter type socket at anchor side 抛锚绳靠锚的一端应使用锌压头
If spelter from blast furnace was not refined , the spelter cannot be used widely 而鼓风炉炼出的只是粗锌,必须进一步精炼后才能得到广泛使用。
Spelter castings has high congetation rate . this kind of sling is very soolidity and is often usde in static state situation 浇铸钢丝绳索具的刚度和弹性模量大,固结率高,一般用于受静拉力的场所。
Pure zn refined from spelter in pb and zn production is a very complex technical process , which needs series work . there is every probability of appearing fault because of the large quantity of facility in production , so that it causes serious effect to the production and security 铅锌生产中将粗锌精炼成为精锌是一个需要连续作业的复杂工艺过程,所涉及的生产设备较多,发生故障的可能性增大,以至对生产或安全造成严重影响。
But the temperature difference at the vertical direction in combustion chamber in lead column , that is said by operator , is over 60 ? . ( 2 ) according to the experiences in the practice , the second layer air and the second layer gas had a little effect of support burning , and the third air has little effect for combustion , and the power to drawing exhaust gas can only be adjusted in limited range . the problems , it is said above , restricted more advance of some kinds of technology and economy target in spelter refining in new jersey furnace 由于锌精馏炉产量提高,一些问题开始暴露出来: ( 1 )燃烧室?舶要求温度差不超过10 ,而从现场反映的情况来看,燃烧室上、中、下部温度差已超过60 ; ( 2 )在生产实践中,发现燃烧室第二层空气、第二层煤气作用甚小,第三层空气失去助燃作用,废气出口的抽力可调范围有限;以上这些问题在客观上制约了精馏塔在锌精炼中各项技术经济指标的进一步提高。