The village of privolnaye is spread out amid gently rolling steppe lands in stavropol territory of southern russia . 普里沃尔诺耶村座落在苏联南部斯塔夫罗波尔地区地势微有起伏的平原上。
A cat closes its eyes during a cat show in stavropol , russia 俄罗斯斯塔夫罗波尔,一只参加走秀的猫咪闭起了眼睛。
Georgy , a former red army infantryman from the southern russian city of stavropol , fancied a medal too for his part in pushing the " hitlerovtsi " out 死里逃生的他日前终于获得法官“验明正身” ,即将补领到本属于自己的那枚二战胜利60周年勋章。
But it was not until the 81 - year - old ' s friend was awarded a 60th anniversary medal this year - for liberating ukraine from nazi occupation during the second world war - that the truth came out . georgy , a former red army infantryman from the southern russian city of stavropol , fancied a medal too for his part in pushing the " hitlerovtsi " out 据英国观察家报11月6日报道,这位名叫吉奥尔吉波诺马列夫的老兵今年81岁,来自俄罗斯南部城市斯塔夫罗波尔,他在二战中参加了将德国纳粹军队赶出乌克兰的战斗。