n. 实体镜,体视镜;立体照相机。 -scopic , -ical adj.,-ically adv.
Example Sentences:
The interpreter annotates the photographs under the stereoscope . 解释人员在立体镜下注记相片。
Lens stereoscopes are practical for field use or for observing magnified details . 透镜式立体镜适合于野外使用或者观察放大的细节。
Some of the advantages of lens stereoscopes are compactness, simplicity and ready portability . 透镜式立体镜的一些优点是坚固、简单、轻便。
Aerial photographs are taken in strips with sufficient overlap to yield a three-dimensional image when viewed under stereoscope . 为了在立体镜下获得立体图象,航片是成带拍摄的,并具有足够的重叠。
A photogrammetric system based on a desktop personal computer and a mount - on mirror stereoscope is utilized and evaluated for its functionality and mapping environment in this study 本研究以一桌上型数位摄影测量系统,采用外挂立体镜,观测分割屏幕,进行内外方位、立体绘图等数位摄影测量作业模式,探讨该系统之人机界面、视觉环境。
I build my research work on the pass and improved the hardware and software of experimental system , and explored some new analyzing methods to pick out the cep signal wrapped in the eeg more efficiently . on hardware , i designed a instrument to let our testee to observe the rds , shown on cathode - ray tube ( crt ) or printed on paper , through a stereoscope , and never let the stereoscope effect the observation . the instrument includes 3 modules : rds showing , stereoscope fixing and testee fitting 本文对cep研究过程中的软件和硬件环境进行研究和改进,同时通过改进cep信号的分析方法,设计了实验者观察刺激信号寸的立体镜支撑系统,包括刺激的呈现,立体镜固定,受试者适应等模块,使得受试者能够舒适地通过立体镜观察crt上的刺激信号或者宁丁印在纸上的刺激信号。